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Super Night Riders Soundtrack And Art Serial Number


About This Content The original soundtrack of the arcade racing game Super Night Riders - 6 music tracks (long versions) by Terry Chandler and baka-neko.Also includes a FullHD wallpaper, a retro inspired Instruction Manual and a few artworks and animation.Track List:1 - Night Riders.2 - The Red Rider.3 - Starry Night.4 - Ride the Night.5 - Until Sunrise.6 - Road to Retro. 7aa9394dea Title: Super Night Riders Soundtrack and ArtGenre: Indie, Racing, Simulation, SportsDeveloper:neko.worksPublisher:neko.worksFranchise:Night RidersRelease Date: 22 Feb, 2016 Super Night Riders Soundtrack And Art Serial Number The soundtrack to Super Night Riders is incredibly small. Each track is very short, and by the time you play enough of the game, the music will be so grating that you won't want to hear it again. Especially that main menu theme. I never want to hear that again.Otherwise, all that comes with this pack is a wallpaper of the game's main menu, some bonus concept art, an instruction manual (you can read it in its entirety in this DLC's screenshots) and a pathetically-short "anime" of the main character turning her head (no seriously, it's just three seconds long and you can watch it in its entirety in the main game's store description).Please don't waste your money on this DLC. Get the main game, I do recommend it, but don't bother buying this DLC.. Tolle Erg\u00e4nzung zum Spiel.Wem der Soundtrack zusagt, wie mir, der darf gerne zugreifen!Die Anleitung und Artworks sind ganz nett, aber es k\u00f6nnte dennoch etwas g\u00fcnstiger sein.Wenns im Sale ist, und wem das Spiel gef\u00e4llt: Zugreifen!---------Great addition to the game.If you like the soundtrack, like me, you are welcome to access it!The instructions and artwork are quite nice, but it could still be a bit cheaper.If it's in the sale and who likes the game: grab it!


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